Saturday, September 18, 2010


Okay, let me bring you up to speed on the last 2 weeks that led up to the creation of this blog. I signed up for this dating website so I could put myself back out there in hopes of meeting the right guy this time. In a nutshell, I started liking these two guys, and their alias' will be Brad and...Cesarino.

Cesarino is an exotic name from a beautiful country, and that's what his background was.

I was attracted to his positive outlook on life, his free-spirited nature, and the fact that he seemed so happy all the time, "high on life."

We had one date only, but I will never forget it. It was almost like the movies. We met,

and he took me on a ride, on his hot motorcycle, through the town.

We walked around, danced in the parking lot,

and stole a few kisses.

All in all a great date, but Cesarino is a free spirit,

 so that was the first and last time I saw him *sigh*.

Now Brad, as you might have guessed, is a typical tanned, working out, valley guy name, so I will use it to describe my other also short experience.

We went on 2 dates. The first time it was more like a hangout since I was with my best friend and we all went clubbing at a gay club (every girl's favorite)...

An odd thing I noticed but brushed aside was that Brad took off his shirt within the first 5 minutes!!

Am I the only one who thinks that's a little weird? Hmmm.

Anyway, for our second date, he had me pick him up and we went to...dun dun dunnnn this abandoned place in San Pedro ;)

There were rocks we had to climb and go around and we were basically on the edge of a cliff, so umm yea maybe a little dangerous...

but that's okay! I had my strong Brad to protect me!

...or not. He would walk ahead of me and not once offer his hand to help me out.

Well, after this I thought I could save the date by taking him to the best place in Little Tokyo to eat ramen! He agreed and totally loved it, and we actually had fun,

BUT at the very end when the bill came
he said, "Do you mind getting that? Cuz...umm...."

*cricket, cricket*

So to avoid the awkwardness of the shock of being asked to pay for our entire meal
"Oh yeah, of course, no problem!"
So, I picked him up, paid for his food, and drove him back home.

Nice date huh.

Well that was the end of Brad, and Cesarino, so I must move on. I am patient though, and I do not want to settle. I know that in time, and with your help, I can find love :) Until next time!



  1. Hey SK good luck out there in the big blue ocean! There are definitely a lot of fish and eventually you will come across your shinny gold fish that will grant you one wish, and one wish only: true love! :) The sad part is that unfortunately you'll have to kiss a lot of frogs on your journey.

  2. lol! those are some funny pics!

  3. wow as a guy I am shocked that this happened to you, you just had some bad experiences it is not reason to be sad, but a learning experience that will make you really appreciate the right guy when you do find him, good luck in your search for Mr.Right because I am sure you will find him sooner or later :)

  4. i love your pictures, theyre hilarious!!
    keep searching (:

  5. errrmm, hey SK... I don't wanna sound unsupportive of you or anything, and he sounds like a total douchebag... but you also make him sound prettty hottt...

    can I have Brad's number? :X
